Programmer (Unity C#), Sound Designer
Game/Level Designer
2016 - Microsoft Imagine Cup France Silver Medal
Team: 4 students
Project length: 4 months
Engine: Unity
Genre: Poetic narrative puzzle game
Oneiros is a narrative puzzle game in which the player has the power to manipulate emotions - literally.
We were a team of 4 students making this game for Microsoft Imagine Cup and Hits Playtime 2016. During the Imagine Cup National finals, we had to make a 30 minutes presentation of the game in front of Microsoft representatives.
I worked as the main programmer (using Unity). The main task was to develop the whole "emotion system" and all the behaviors & interactions for each character, depending of each emotion. I also spent a lot of time on polishing controls, camera and game feel.
The following teaser video shows a variety of interactions with the different emotions of the game.
I made the game's sound design too. I had to give identity to the emotions through audio.
By assigning different musical sounds to emotions, I achieved to create some sort of musicality through the player's actions.
Finally, I also made the level building (in very short amount of time before the deadline...), and I gave a hand on game design & level design too, helping when my teammates when they had difficulties.